Meet Our Customers

Hundreds of companies trust Osmos to scale their customer data ingestion so they can accelerate business growth, improve customer experiences, and reduce internal bottlenecks.

Built for teams large and small

mosaic logospot insurance logoBluecore logomykaarma logoopenwrench logoharmin logoklicktrack logoOlea edge analytics logo
mosaic logospot insurance logoBluecore logomykaarma logoopenwrench logoharmin logoklicktrack logoOlea edge analytics logo

Real results. Real growth.

Months of dev work saved by not building an internal solution

"The Osmos Uploader gives us all the features, validations, and customizations we need to provide our customers a delightful data importing experience, and I get the time back to focus on our core product."

nima Tayebi mosaic

Nima Tayebi

CTO, Mosaic
Automates the majority of schema mapping
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“Our SaaS platform allows customers to understand their data, but we can only do that if we integrate and translate a very long tail of sources and schemas - a painful engineering challenge. Osmos’ bridges the integration gap and their AI automates the majority of schema mapping. Big fan!”

aaron white blissfully

Aaron White

CTO, Blissfully
6 hours of daily data wrangling now done in minutes
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"Osmos saved us over 60% on delivery costs with our largest clients by simply removing tedious copy-paste and manual data wrangling activities. Osmos Pipelines has become a strategic enabler of our global platform, making it easier to bring solutions to our customers, partners, and distributors."

matt robinson rahi systems

Matt Robinson

CTO, Rahi Systems
Osmos helped scale our data ingestion and company grow
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"Ingesting partner data used to take weeks and required careful coordination between our teams. Totally unscalable given our rapid growth. Osmos provides us a turnkey solution to ingest batch and real-time data from our partners seamlessly. Now my engineering focus goes towards core product improvements and bringing peace of mind to more customers."

nishant mathew

Nishant Mathew

CTO, Spot Insurance
6 hours of daily data wrangling now done in minutes
Testimonial Image

“We quickly realized our homegrown solution required too much tweaking and maintenance–it just wasn’t scalable. We needed to find a no-code solution to support our rapid growth.”


Chloe Larson

Product Manager, Quartzy

Osmos Fireside Chats

Learn how our customers get value from Osmos

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Self-Serve Data Ingestion

SaaS companies often have a wide range of customers that need to upload files. However, there is often no consistency in file format, fields, and values within the cells.

With Osmos Uploader, Mosaic quickly configured and embedded the data uploader right into their application, which unlocked self-serve data ingestion and saved 6-9 months of their roadmap by not building an internal data importer.

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Automate Data Ingestion

Ingesting data from distributors and partners into operational systems is a tough and painful process. It’s a problem that is ubiquitous, persistent, and operationally very expensive and inefficient.

Learn how Rahi’s engineering team quickly built no-code data pipelines to automate the painful data ingestion processes without writing a line of code, which led to 60% savings in delivery costs.

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Transforming Product Data Ingestion

Quartzy, a cloud-based lab management platform, struggled with scaling product data integration due to rapid growth. Manual processes were unsustainable, so they adopted Osmos Pipelines, a no-code solution that automated data ingestion. This improved efficiency, accelerated vendor onboarding, and freed the eCommerce Ops team from maintaining complex scripts, supporting Quartzy's continued growth and success.


Learn how to scale your data ingestion today

Take the first step in streamlining your process today.
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