
ETL pipelines built for your spreadsheet power users

Automated data ingestion for faster customer and partner activation.
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Ditch convoluted ETL workflows
Put automated data ingestion in the hands of your implementation and operations teams

Set it and forget it

Everyone in your org can build and maintain fully automated system-to-system pipelines. Stop wasting precious dev hours maintaining custom data ingestion scripts.

Unbelievably easy

Built for ops-driven data ingestion, our user friendly interface means frontline teams can have the power of ETL pipelines without depending on a data engineer.

Data you can count on

Gain confidence in data quality when incoming data is automatically cleaned and validated before landing in your target systems

Simplicity of spreadsheets

With the power of the modern data stack

No devs required

Automatically ingest data from customers, partners, and vendors all without code. Put your implementation and operations teams in control of the data that’s closest to them without burdening your data team with one-off requests, custom scripts, and pipeline maintenance.

Handle Messy Data with Ease

Osmos is built with messy data in mind. Large volumes of data from third parties often come from a variety of sources or files in different formats. Osmos Pipelines handle extreme data complexity and empower your frontline teams to transform the incoming data once before automating the cleanup process.

Data quality guaranteed

Ensure all incoming data is cleaned and ready to be ingested with built-in and custom validations. When ingesting large volumes of data on a recurring basis, you can’t rely on manual cleanup to bring in clean, properly formatted, and error-free data.

Data ingestion streamlined

Go from human-powered to human-in-the-loop. Free up bottlenecks in your data ingestion process when your frontline teams can send error reports directly to customers and partners to fix errors in incoming data.

Stress free data pipelines
Speed up your data ingestion process with Osmos
Pre-built integrations
Easily connect to the systems you and your customers use without having to build custom APIs.
Automated data transformations
Speed up recurring ingestion with pipelines that remember how to clean your incoming data.
Easily handle data complexities
Connect to Osmos Datasets to perform no-code look-ups, joins, and aggregations dev free.

Learn how to scale your data ingestion today